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Belle Haven Elementary School Student Handbook 2022-2023

Adrianna DaviesBelle Haven Elementary News

To download this as a PDF, click here.

Belle Haven Elementary

4401 Free Pike

Dayton, OH 45416

Phone (937)542-4220 • Fax (937) 542-4221

Mrs. Deidre Kelley, Principal

Mrs. Kellee Washington, Assistant Principal

The Next Level

Student Handbook 2022-2023

This handbook has been compiled and approved by the Belle Haven Elementary School Staff and the Dayton Board of Education. It is published for your information and contains policies, rules and regulations for our school. This handbook is distributed to all students who attend Belle Haven Elementary School. Since this handbook is considered the binding contract between the parents and the school, we must have the form below signed and dated.


I have read, understand and agree to follow the school regulations as outlined in the Student/Parent Handbook as well as the Dayton Public Schools Code of Conduct.


Mother/Guardian                                                                     Date


Father/Guardian                                                                      Date


Student                                                                                   Date


Teacher                                                                                   Date


Message from the Principal

 Greetings Belle Haven Families:

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year. As we head into this new and exciting year, we wanted to share with you our theme of THE NEXT LEVEL. This year we intend to take all aspects of the Belle Haven School experience to the NEXT LEVEL. We are excited about the work we are going to do to ensure student performance, skill levels, and the culture/climate at Belle Haven are all raised to the NEXT LEVEL.

We invite you – our parent partner – to take your strong commitment to the NEXT LEVEL also, and get plugged in as an active member of the Belle Haven family. Stay connected with ClassDojo, Parent Square and review messages that come by way of email and text messages. Stay plugged in to HAC – so you can monitor your student’s grades and attendance as they rise to the NEXT LEVEL. Make sure you keep in constant communication with teachers and staff.  We are Team Belle Haven and welcome you to find your best path to supporting your student. It will take all of us on this journey to the NEXT LEVEL. Knowing that we are known by the tracks we leave – – watch our tracks as we move to the NEXT LEVEL!!

*Disclaimer: This manual is by no means all-inclusive. The school retains the right to alter or vary the application of these rules. This handbook is intended to help families and school personnel work together. Many guiding statements are included in this document but by no means does it cover every situation. As the School Board, State, or Federal statutes develop new policies or regulations, additions and/or deletions will be made by school employees to help students understand what is expected of them.


Bobcat Motto

Belle Haven Bobcats are known by the tracks we leave, so let’s leave excellent tracks today!

Bobcat Creed

I am somebody!

I am powerful and strong!

I have what it takes to go to the NEXT LEVEL in my education!

I have people to impress and excellent tracks to leave!

I am somebody!

Mission Statement

The mission of the Belle Haven School is to provide a safe haven and quality education through teamwork and family involvement.


“The Bobcat Way”

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Safe


Vision Statement

Belle Haven is a community of stakeholders who advocate and collaborate to create a safe haven which is respectful, rigorous, and reflective where students can reach high expectations and grow to their full potential.


  • Our School Day is from 8:35 a.m. – 3:50 p.m. Students may not arrive at school before 8:35 a.m., because there is NO SUPERVISION. Students who arrive before 8:35 m., will not be permitted to enter the building.
  • Grab and Go Breakfast begins at 8:50 a.m., and students go directly to their classroom to begin their instructional day. A free Breakfast is available for all Coffee and pop (soda) are not permitted at school. Packed lunches are permitted, however it MUST be a FULL LUNCH, not just snacks and junk-food (chips and drink).
  • The student Instructional Day begins at 8:50 m. Any student entering the building after 8:50 a.m. will need to to receive a tardy slip.
  • Morning Meetings begin at 8:50 m. and will end at 9:00 a.m.
  • Any change in the regular dismissal routines for your child must be submitted in writing, with a phone number for confirmation. Phone calls regarding change in the dismissal process will not be accepted after 2:30 p.m. All early pick-ups must be completed prior to 3:00 m. Please call the office (937) 542-4220 so the student can come down to the main office. No students will be allowed to sit in the office and wait for a ride.


  • All students MUST be picked up by 3:50 p.m. Students will remain outside if their ride is late.



All children are expected to be in attendance each day unless they are ill or a family emergency arises. A written note explaining the absence is required when the student returns to school, and must be turned in to the office. If we do not receive a note, then the absence is unexcused. An excuse note form can be obtained from the office or classroom teacher. All excuse notes must be turned in within 3 days of absence. Please see Ohio Code 3301-69-02 for excuse guidelines for attendance.

We realize that there will be instances when your child may be tardy, but please avoid this whenever possible. A note should accompany your child to explain the reason for his/her tardiness. Tardiness interrupts your child’s instructional time. Our instructional day begins the moment that students enter the building. Students who are excessively or routinely tardy will be required to attend a conference with the principal and district personnel. All work missed by students must be made up as soon as possible after returning to school.

We understand that there may be instances when your child must leave school early. Early dismissal is permitted for emergency and medical appointments only. Our instructional day ends at 3:50 p.m. Students who are consistently picked up early are losing valuable learning and it is a disruption to the school climate. Any changes in your child’s transportation for any given day must be received by the office before 2:30 p.m.


Definition of Truancy and Excessive Absence

The definition of ‘habitually truant’ changed from days to hours. The new definition is:

Absent 30 or more consecutive hours without a legitimate excuse

Absent 42 or more hours in one school month without a legitimate excuse Absent 72 or more hours in one school year without a legitimate excuse

Excessive absence is defined as:

Absent 38 or more hours in one school month with or without a legitimate excuse;

Absent 65 or more hours in one school year with or without a legitimate excuse.



All students will be required to follow the Dayton Public Schools Code of Conduct. Belle Haven’s behavioral expectations are represented in the four components of “The Bobcat Way.” These expectations are our guidelines to being safe, respectful, and responsible. Our planned program also requires students to be accountable for their academics and behavior. We stress the importance of making good choices. Students are expected to follow building wide guidelines and classroom rules. Research has shown that effective schools have a positive learning climate. That requires an orderly, quiet, and structured environment that supports and enhances the instructional mission of the school and a positive learning climate.

“The Bobcat Way”

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Safe


As we improve Belle Haven’s Climate, it is necessary that all stakeholders concerned become involved and supportive of the school’s discipline plan. Bullying in any form will not be tolerated and appropriate consequences will be administered based on the Student Code of Conduct. Disruptions to learning will not be tolerated. We will continue to focus on the components of Positive School Climate.

Positive School Climate refers to the quality and character of school life. School climate is based on patterns of students’, parents’ and school personnel’s experience of school life and reflects norms, goals, values, interpersonal relationships, teaching and learning practices, and organizational structures (National School Climate Center). In addition, our staff will use restorative practices/strategies to encourage self-control, self-correction, reflection, and ownership. With these combined programs, our goal is to reduce after school detention and out of school suspension during the school year. However, if all procedures have been exhausted, Belle Haven will use a Tiered Model to address discipline.


Voice Level Legend: 0-Silent, 1-Whisper, 2-Inside Voice 3-Outside Voice
We are Respectful We are Responsible We are Safe
Students will


Hallways 0

●     Stay with your class

●     Always have a hall pass/permission

●     Keep the hallways clean, pick up trash

●     Keep hands, feet and object to self

●     Stay to the right in hallways

●     Follow directions at all times

●      Walk in the hallways quietly to one side

●      Follow directions the first time given

●      Always have a pass when in the hall

Students will


Restrooms 0

●      Use the restrooms for intended purposes

●      Report problems to teacher immediately

●      Put paper towels/tissues in its proper places

●     Keep area graffiti free

●     Wait for your turn respectfully

●     Keep hands and feet to self

●   Walk to and from the restrooms

●   Return directly to class

●   Use restrooms at appropriate times

Students will


Classroom TBD on activity

●      Enter class promptly

●      Follow all classroom rules

●      Be courteous to others

●      Complete your own work on time

●      Maintain personal space

●      Bring materials to class

●    Keep belongings off the floor

●    Remain in assigned area

●    Keep hands, feet, and objects to self

Students will


Cafeteria 1

●     Walk into the cafeteria in an orderly manner

●     Ask for permission to leave seat or cafeteria

●     Only take one of each item

●     Be courteous-say please and thank you

●     Talk at appropriate time

●     Clean up after yourself

●      Return to class on time and in a line

●      Place trash in the trash can

●      Leave the cafeteria in an orderly manner

Students will


Arrival 1

●      Arrive on time

●      Exit the bus/car in an orderly manner

●      Once inside, grab breakfast and go to class

●     Notify bus driver/teacher if there are issues

●     Be courteous—say Please and Thank You

●     Keep hands, feet and objects to self

●    Walk in the hallways quietly to one side

●   No reentry into the hallway after breakfast without a hall pass

Students will


Dismissal 0

●      Exit the building in an orderly manner and quietly.

●      Board the bus when called

●      Walkers and car riders exit the building quietly.

●      Notify teacher if there are bus issues

●      Be courteous

●      Keep hands, feet and objects to self

●     Walk in the hallways quietly to one side

●     Leave school property immediately

●     Follow bus driver rules

Students will


Assembly 0

●      Use Level 0 when entering

●      Sit in assigned area

●      Be respectful of the space of others

●      Look for the quiet signal (raised hand) from the adult

●      Use correct applause at the right time.

●      Remain seated until instructed otherwise

●      Follow the directions of teacher/staff

●      Line up in the correct order


Belle Haven Elementary PSC Expectation Matrix



Anything of value that can be lost, stolen, broken, or argued over should not be brought to school. Belle Haven Elementary assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen or broken electronic devices. Electronic devices that are deemed interruptions to instruction are NOT permitted. Electronic equipment of any kind, including hand held games, cell phones, MP3 Players, iPods, IPADs, cameras etc. will be collected and returned to parents.

Students who pack their lunch may bring plastic or disposable drinks with their lunch to be consumed in the lunch room only. Students MUST bring a complete lunch. Individual bags of chips or other junk food will not be permitted during lunch time.

NO candy, gum, snacks, or soda (glass) should be brought to school.



If your child is injured at school, we will make him/her comfortable then call you immediately if a serious injury has occurred. If you cannot be reached, we will attempt to contact the emergency numbers that you listed on the Emergency form. Please keep your contact information current. For your child’s safety, the teacher will not release a child to anyone who has not checked in through the office.


Awards ceremonies will be held quarterly for grades 1-5. Families will receive notice of exact dates, times and location. Kindergarten and 6th grade students will receive awards at their end-of-the-year celebrations.

BIRTHDAY TREATS are permitted, however, the parent/guardian must contact the homeroom teacher for best the time at least two days prior. ALL treats MUST be store-bought and individually wrapped. NO HOMEMADE TREATS will be allowed.



Breakfast will be served from 8:35 a.m-8:50 a.m. daily. All students are expected to grab and take breakfast to their assigned homeroom class. Trash is disposed of using the trash receptacles in the hallways.



Students who ride the bus must ride their assigned bus home. Students must follow loading and unloading guidelines established by the school and are expected to follow district/school procedures while on the bus. Students who fail to cooperate/comply may be denied the privilege of bus transportation and are subject to disciplinary action. Students will be dealt with in the following manner:

1st offense: Parent/Guardian contact

2nd offense: Parent/Guardian contact, conference with Principal or designee, and/or detention

3rd offense: Removal from the bus for three or more days.

Some incidents result in automatic 3-5 day bus suspension for behavior safety, or hazard/risk.




All classroom visits MUST be scheduled with the classroom teacher.



Each classroom teacher has a telephone in the room. Voicemail may be activated during instructional time. Messages will be returned within 24 hours. Please do not leave emergency messages or bus change/pick up information on teacher extension – as teachers may not retrieve their messages prior to dismissal. In these instances, please call the main office. The Main Office number is 937-542-4220. Please review teacher information for specific planning time.



We cannot work together and create successful students without communication. Teachers will communicate weekly with families by way of email, text, or written correspondence. School-wide communication will take place throughout the year by way of written correspondence, auto-dialer, Class DOJO, and ParentSquare. It is imperative to update your information with the main office and your child’s homeroom teacher when your phone number changes.



At no time should you be in doubt of your child’s progress. You are notified of his/her progress through Report Cards and Interim Progress Reports.

Additionally, Parent/Teacher (Kindergarten – 2nd grade) and Student-Lead (3rd – 6th grades) conferences are held twice a year, in October (October 20, 2022) from 4:15-6:45 pm and in March (March 23, 2023). Conferences will be held in person. Quarterly Parent Meetings will also be scheduled. If you still have questions or concerns, please call your student’s teacher to schedule an appointment. You may request a conference with the teacher before or after school, or at a time convenient to both during the day. Interim reports and Report cards are issued four times a year. Parents may obtain information to access the Home Access Center (HAC) from the office staff. This access provides an opportunity to view and obtain information on a student’s grades weekly.



As the Instructional Leaders, the building principals must be in the classroom on a daily basis. Conferences with the principals should be scheduled before or after school, when possible. All conferences must be scheduled.

Voicemail messages will be returned within 24 hours.



Students can be kept after school with parental notification. Parents are responsible for transportation home. Also, students may be kept indoors for a portion of recess time or lunch.



The students at Elementary are required to be in uniform while attending school unless prior written notice is given to parents and/or guardians.

Students out of uniform will be required to call home so that a uniform can be brought to the school. Chronic offenders will face appropriate disciplinary action. The uniform will consist of the following:

Uniform Colors – Red Polo Shirt/Khaki Blue Bottom Only Our School Uniform

  • Red tops with collar and khaki bottoms (slacks or shorts); girls may wear skirts, skorts, or jumpers
  • Walking shorts must come to the top of the knees and may be worn until October, and starting again in May (sooner depending on the weather, per the principal)
  • Belle Haven T-Shirts may be worn daily, tucked in
  • Gym shoes are needed every day (no wheels, lights, sounds, or excessive Boots are allowed to be worn during the winter months, but gym shoes are necessary for P.E. days.


  • Shirts must be tucked in at all times. It’s the family responsibility to provide shirts long enough to be tucked in comfortably
  • White,red, and black,grey long sleeved turtlenecks or long sleeved shirts under uniform shirts are allowed in winter
  • Navy blue, black, grey or white cardigan sweater (NO HOODS)


  • All pants, shorts, skirts, or skorts are to be worn at the waist
  • No sweat pants, blue jean material, or leggings worn as uniform bottom
  • Pants and shorts may not have CARGO pockets
  • Full length, solid color (navy, black or white) LEGGINGS under skirts are acceptable (must come to ankle)
  • No chains from pant pockets or necklace key chains can be visible
  • Belts should be worn daily– black, brown, blue, or white. Buckles should be basic


  • Students MUST remove jackets and coats during the instructional day
  • Bandanas and headbands on the forehead are not allowed
  • All leggings must be full (ankle) length

●     School shoes – No flip flops or open toe sandals – toes and heels must be covered. No shoes with heels.

  • No HOODIES are to be worn in the building throughout the Hoods MUST remain down as students enter the building.
  • Excessive jewelry and bangle style bracelets are not permitted

●     Make up is not permitted

  • Hair accessories should be appropriate and not oversized.
  • Silly Bands/Excessive jewelry are not permitted



  • All students in grades 4-6 will need to bring a change of clothes for E. class on their designated day
  • E. clothing should consist of loose or jogging pants or shorts with a t-shirt for ease of movement
  • Please note that students are not permitted to wear Crocs for PE class

Clothing worn on out of uniform days should be appropriate for school. Bare midriffs, exposed shoulders, mini or micro miniskirts and shorts and inappropriate or profane slogans on t-shirts or pants are not permitted. Jeans should be free of holes and exposed skin.



Field Trips will be conducted under the guidelines of the Dayton Board of Education. No student will be allowed to leave school premises unless an Emergency Medical & Registration form has been submitted. Field trips are an extension of the school program; therefore, school rules are in effect. If students are unable to attend field trips because of documented behavior, families will be notified at least 48 hours before the scheduled trip.


It is imperative that your child’s immunizations be kept up to date as recommended by your family physician. Parents may not send medication to school (INCLUDING COUGH DROPS). All required paperwork must be completed and left with the Nurse in the clinic. Medications will be left in the clinic and will be dispensed ONLY as the doctor’s directions stipulate. We are unable to adjust your child’s dose or dispense “extra” doses for those missed at home.



District policy states that homework will be given a maximum of 4 days per week and the average minutes of homework shall not exceed:

  • Grades K-1: 20 minutes of homework per night
  • Grade 2: 30 minutes of homework per night
  • Grades 3-6: 30 minutes of reading homework per night and 30 minutes of math homework per (Total not to exceed 60 minutes)

Homework will include work in ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies and Unified Arts. All students are required to engage in independent reading nightly, completing Reading Logs and book reports as appropriate.

Large projects or building-wide projects, such as, but not limited to, Science Fair projects, Black History projects, special projects to support building-wide goals, and assignments over breaks requiring additional time will also be assigned.

Weighting Grades: Grades 1-6 at Belle Haven will clearly define the homework policy and assign a consistent percentage of weight, to be established per department/grade, not to exceed 10% of the quarter grade.

Homework Non-Completion

Because completion of homework impacts a student’s ability to complete class work the following day, parents are encouraged to monitor student assignments on the Home Access Center (HAC). Parents are encouraged to attend our Parent Night meetings at the start of, and throughout, the school year. Parents are encouraged to read student agendas daily for assignments.


Interim Reports are mailed during each grading period, and are uploaded into the Home Access Center (HAC). These reports will indicate academic progress at the midpoint of the quarter. Families may and/or should request a parent teacher conference following an interim report that brings concerns of failing grades or poor attendance.



Students shall abide by the Dayton Public Schools Acceptable Use Policy as it relates to computer use and access to the Internet. This would include any violations as defined in the DPS Code of Conduct. Parents with students in grades K-6 will be required to sign additional paperwork for students in regards to ChromeBooks.



Students are given 30 minutes each day for lunch and recess time. Students are supervised at all times outside and in the lunchroom. Students are reminded of the following:

  1. Recess – stay in the designated areas
  2. Recess – Do not open gates unless instructed by an
  3. Recess – Line up when the whistle
  4. Lunchroom – Go to the lunch door assigned by the duty
  5. Lunchroom – Sit at your assigned homeroom
  6. Lunchroom – Be ready for countdowns of no talking
  7. Lunchroom – Throw away all trash and check the floor before



Students in fifth and sixth grade will be assigned a locker. A combination lock is provided by the district. Students will receive specific directions in regards to what is and is not acceptable in regards to their lockers.



All Lost & Found items will be located in the box by the main office. Items that are not recovered at the end of each quarter will be donated to a non-profit organization.



School Nurse – Melissa Cantrell – (937) 542-4253

Students should rarely miss school. If your child has a chronic health condition, please contact the school nurse. The nurse is able to provide help and resources so that your child can attend school regularly. A parent/guardian or other designated adult will be contacted if the school nurse determines that a child needs to be sent home. Children going home ill must be signed out in the main office. Elementary students who are ill are not allowed to walk home during the school day without an adult. This is a Dayton Public Schools Board policy.

The Ohio Department of Health determines the immunizations required for school attendance. The school nurse will notify you if your child does not meet the requirements. Parents are responsible to provide written documentation promptly whenever shots are given. Failure to provide written documentation may result in your child being excluded from attending school.

Unless a routine medication is time-specific (during school hours) it should be given at home. All medications to be administered at school must be accompanied by the Medication Authorization form (primary healthcare provider order) and signed by the parent. This includes over the counter medication as well. We do encourage students with asthma to have rescue inhalers and spacers for use at school. Older, responsible students who are self-carrying their inhalers or epinephrine auto-injectors must have physician approval. Forms can be found on the DPS website under Health Services or from the school nurse. New forms are needed each year.

Medications will be stored in and administered from the clinic only – there should be NO MEDICATIONS in the classroom at any time.

Health screening is done by the school nurse for students in preschool, kindergarten, first, third, fifth grades and those new to DPS. For most grades this includes vision, hearing and dental. If you do not want your child to participate in the health screenings, you must send a written note to the school nurse. You will be informed in writing if your child needs a medical evaluation for a possible problem.


Can we reach you by telephone in case of an emergency?

Please be sure the school (office, teacher and nurse) always has current phone numbers and contact names.



We encourage parent participation at Belle Haven. Parents may become involved members of the Community Education Council (PTO). All volunteers must register through the DPS Volunteer online process.



Report Cards are issued four times a year and are mailed to the address on file, and uploaded into the Home Access Center (HAC). Scheduled parent conferences are held each semester. If families wish to schedule additional conferences throughout the year, contact the teacher directly and remember you must sign in at the office.



Restrooms are provided for students in each section of the building. Classes will be escorted to restrooms and monitored by staff at specific times during the school day. Students are encouraged to use restroom facilities during regular class breaks unless an emergency arises. Students who use the restroom more than usual must furnish the office and homeroom teacher with a note signed by a physician. All restrooms are closed during the last 30 minutes of the school day to assist with hallways being cleared and preparation for dismissal. Everyone is to do their part in keeping the school restrooms clean and orderly.


In the event of severe inclement weather or mechanical breakdown, school may be closed. School closings will be announced over local radio and television stations. If no report is heard, school is open. Please do not call the school as phone lines must be kept open for normal communication.



Each Dayton Public School building is assigned a Security Resource Officer (SRO). The goal places a high expectation of keeping our students, staff, and school grounds a safe place to be. The SRO assists with daily metal detector checks, monitoring school grounds inside and out, and being visible throughout the day.

In order to ensure we have a safe environment on a daily basis, we ask you to alway sign in at the main office. The main exterior doors are unlocked daily from 8:50-3:50 pm. Use the doorbell to gain access into the main office which is locked at all times. Please do not encourage students to open exterior doors (including main office) or remove students from the playground for early dismissal.



Textbooks will be issued to students by classroom teachers. A barcoding system is used to track books and their condition. Each student is responsible for the proper care of textbooks and learning materials. Any damaged or lost book must be paid prior to receiving the final report card. In addition, students are allowed to check out books from the library once the library contract is signed. All late fees or lost book fees for the Library must be paid prior to receiving the last report card. Failure to pay student fees will negatively impact extracurricular or special school activities.



Transportation Department – (937) 542-4010

It is important that we know the mode of transportation for your child(ren) daily. For students who ride the bus, they will unload and load the bus daily in the smaller parking lot of the building.

Drop off/pick up students are to use the larger lot in the middle of the building. The drop off person needs to adhere to the posted signs which indicate to pull forward, stop the car completely and allow the child to exit the car.

Pick Up: Do not get out of the car to receive a student. Pull around to the next available cone, keep your pick up card with you, students will come to the designated numbered cone to be picked up.

Families will NOT be permitted to drop off or pick up students from the Staff Parking Lot or Bus Parking Lot. Please refrain from parking there.



If you are moving and/or withdrawing your child from school, you must come to the office a few days prior to the withdrawal date. This will give ample time to complete the necessary paperwork, etc. Your cooperation is always greatly appreciated.


Dayton Public Schools Elementary Cell Phone Policy

  • Electronic devices that are deemed interruptions to instruction are NOT Electronic equipment of any kind including hand held games, cell phones, MP3 Players, iPods, IPADs, tablets, cameras etc. will be collected and returned to parents.
  • Students will turn in cell phones daily upon arriving to school
  • Cell Phones will be turned in to the building designee or teacher
  • Wireless Earbuds are not permitted at the Elementary buildings (exp: AirPods, Beats Wireless)
  • Anything of value that can be lost, stolen, broken, or argued over should not be brought to school
  • Parents/Guardians must sign consent for electronic device to be present at school



Students may not use any electronic communication devices (ECD) during the school day that are not provided by Dayton Public Schools. While we understand that many students have cellular telephones and other electronic communication devices; they must not be seen or heard during the school day. This means that the device MUST be turned off and turned into the homeroom teacher or building designee.

The requirement that cellular telephones and ECDs must be turned off will not apply when the student obtains prior approval from the building administrator.

The use of cellular telephones and other ECDs that contain built-in cameras is prohibited in locker rooms, classrooms, and/or bathrooms at ALL times.

Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action and/or confiscation of the cellular telephone or ECD. If the cellular telephone or ECD is confiscated, it will be released/returned to the student’s parent/guardian. The building principal/assistant principal may also refer the matter to law enforcement if the violation involves an illegal activity (e.g., inappropriate pictures/dialogue).

The student who possesses an electronic device is responsible for its care. Dayton Public Schools is NOT responsible for preventing theft, loss, damage, or vandalism to cellular telephones or other electronic devices brought onto its property.

Parents/Guardians are advised that the best way to get in touch with their child during the school day is by calling the school office.

Students may only use school phones to contact parents/guardians during the school day.





Please read and review the expectations regarding electronic devices with your son/daughter and return this signature page to your child’s homeroom teacher.

Thank you!

I have read and discussed the expectations regarding electronic devices with my child. I understand the expectations and agree to encourage my child to follow them consistently.


Parent/Guardian Signature                                                                         




I have read and discussed the expectations regarding electronic devices with my child. I understand the expectations and agree to encourage my child to follow them consistently.


Parent/Guardian Signature                                                                         





Student’s Name                                                                                                    Parent’s Printed Name                                                                                           Parent’s Phone Number(s)                                                                                                                 

Please check the appropriate line:

            My child walks to/from school and we need to communicate during this time.

            My child has a medical condition (please list):                                                      

            Other (please describe):                                                                                                 


Parent’s Signature:                                                                                                  


Belle Haven Elementary School assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen, or broken cell phones.


Please circle the appropriate choice.

NOT APPROVED: Please provide reason                                                                               


APPROVED: If your circumstances change and your child no longer requires a cell phone at school, please notify the office in writing.


ADMINISTRATOR’S SIGNATURE:                                                                            



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