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2023-2024 Horace Mann Elementary (Translatable)

Adrianna DaviesHorace Mann Elementary News

Home of the Mustangs

Parent/Student Handbook 

Sheri Moss, Principal

Rhona Craig, Assistant Principal

715 Krebs Ave

PHONE (937) 542-4890 FAX (937) 542-4891

The mission of Dayton Public Schools is:

To equip our students to achieve success in a global society by implementing an effective and rigorous curriculum with fidelity. 

Disclaimer: This handbook is by no means all – inclusive.  The school retains the right to alter or vary the application of these rules.  This handbook is intended to help parents, students, and school personnel work together.  Many guiding statements are included in this document, but by no means does it cover every situation.  As the School Board, the State, or Federal statutes develop new policies or regulations, additions and/or deletions will be made by school employees to help students understand what is expected of them.


A Message from the Principal   

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to Horace Mann Elementary School, Home of the Mustangs.

The entire school staff is excited about the 2023-24 school year and the continuance of successful practices and traditions.  We are committed and prepared to utilize all resources to meet the academic needs of every student. 

Our school uses the practices of Positive School Climate and focuses on the principles of Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe in our school community.

Daily Attendance at school is an important factor in a child’s academic success.  We will need your support to ensure that your child is at school on time every day. We look forward to working with each of you, as we move toward our common goal of academic excellence.

We are truly anticipating an exciting and productive school year and want you to become an integral component of our school community partnership.  Your support of our parent organization would be greatly appreciated. 

On behalf of the entire staff, we sincerely hope this will be a very successful year for your child. Thank you for bringing us your child and permitting us to be a part of their lives.

We are looking forward to a wonderful school year as we work together and celebrate the learning and growth of our students.


Sheri Moss, Principal

Rhona Craig, Assistant Principal

Welcome to Horace Mann Elementary                  Dayton Public School District!

Our School is 1 of 17 Elementary School buildings in the Dayton Public School District. DPS students and alumni have been recognized at local, state and national levels for their talents in the arts, academics, business and civic leadership, and athletics.   

The Mission of Dayton Public Schools is to equip our students to achieve success in a global society by implementing an effective and rigorous curriculum with fidelity

Our Vision: At Horace Mann, we are committed to providing an excellent educational experience in a safe and supportive environment where all children are encouraged to imagine, reflect and innovate. WE will mutually seek to build the critical thinking, collaboration and problem solving skills necessary to succeed in an increasingly complex, constantly changing and culturally diverse world.Our Mission: At Horace Mann our mission is to prepare our students for tomorrow’s world by providing effective and innovative educational practices in a safe and supportive environment.

The expectations to guide our students at school.
BE Safe
BE Responsible
BE Respectful

Our School will have the following characteristics:

  • Welcome all children and parents
  • Collaborate with families to ensure open communication 
  • Build a strong home to school connection
  • Nurture, respect, and value all children
  • Ensure that all students are healthy, happy, and safe

Our Staff will:  

  • Make decisions solely on the basis of what is best for children’s learning and growth
  • Understand that all children can learn, and achieve success
  • Teach to individual learning styles
  • Set up learning opportunities 
  • Have high expectations for student success and provide academic rigor
  • Create a climate that fosters a life-long love of learning, which is nurturing and welcoming to all
  • Support students academically, socially, and emotionally
  • Use a system of discipline that is positive rather than punitive, enabling children to learn self-regulation of behavior and to make positive choices.
  • Provide a pre-school that prepares children to enter kindergarten ready to learn. 


Together, we will all make a difference in the lives of Students!

An Overview of Our Instructional Focus 

Instructional Goals

The instructional process must accomplish instructional goals in a manner which makes learning interesting, relevant, exciting and enjoyable.  Our staff believes these goals can be accomplished only by dedicated teachers and staff who believe in the worth of youth, are committed to these goals and are given the encouragement, means, freedom and guidance necessary to accomplish them.  

The goals of the instructional program are considered guides, rather than limits, which are flexible enough to meet the changing needs of both students and society for all grade levels and subject areas.

Our Instructional Goals Include:

  1. helping meet the physical, intellectual and emotional needs of students, particularly the need to inquire, learn, think and create;
  2. helping students establish aesthetic, moral and ethical values;
  3. helping students relate satisfactorily to others in circumstances involving their families, work government and recreation;
  4. giving students a mastery of the basic skills of learning, thinking, problem-solving, reading, writing and computation;
  5. teaching students to use the various media of self-expression;
  6. instilling in students a knowledge of the social and natural sciences;
  7. acquainting students with the richness of the national heritage;
  8. stimulating students to work productively in the various areas of human endeavor and
  9. acknowledging the importance of, and relating appropriately to, the home and other social agencies in developing the habits and attitudes that make for effective personal living and the maintenance of optimum physical and mental health. 

Instructional Objectives

The educational program of Horace Mann Elementary School includes systematic planning, articulation, implementation and evaluation based on the adopted Board philosophy (IAA). 

Horace Mann teachers shall identify skills, knowledge and attitudes crucial to the student’s successful movement to the next level of learning within each subject area and at each grade level.

A standards-based curriculum is developed and implemented according to state academic content standards and the requirements established by the Ohio Administrative Code. 

Horace Mann Elementary School is committed to providing the best possible education for all of its students with optimum uses of available funds for educational services to develop student skills in the following areas:

  1. literacy including reading, writing, speaking, listening and composition;
  2. mathematical computation and mathematical problem solving;
  3. scientific inquiry;
  4. dialoguing with others including those of different cultures;
  5. physical fitness and fine arts;
  6. research and analytical thinking;
  7. citizenship and personal responsibility and
  8. environmental conservatorship. (Adoption date:  January 17, 2017)

The Guidelines for a Successful School Year!


  • Be Safe.
  • Be Respectful.
  • Be Responsible.

Our Students will follow all school-wide expectations, classroom rules, and Dayton Public Schools’ Code of Conduct.

Daily Procedures


Office Hours……….. 7:10-1:30 P.M.   

Teacher Day……….. 6:40-2:10 P.M.


Prior to School: Students are not to be in the building before the arrival time. There are no staff members on duty to supervise children. 

Arrival: All students may enter the building at 6:55 A.M.


Breakfast………..6:55 A.M. (Grab and Go)

Instructional Day Begins…. 6:55 A.M.

Tardy Bell ……… 7:20 A.M.

Dismissal Begins……… 1:50 P.M. Walkers, 1:55 P.M. Car Riders, 2:10 P.M. Bus Riders



Student safety is very important to us. Parents, who walk or bring their children to school, are asked to say goodbye to their children in front of the school doors each morning. Allowing children to walk to class independently, with the help of our staff, will enhance the children’s confidence and independence. This independent arrival also enables teachers to focus their attention on your children as soon as they arrive at the classroom door.


The instructional day at Our School begins when breakfast is over in their classroom, no later than 7:10 A.M.. Although, teachers will be preparing the students for a successful school day as soon as they enter their classrooms. Since that is the teacher’s focus, if you do need to meet with your child’s teacher please schedule an appointment for another time. 


Car Rider Procedures-Use the Drop-Off/Pick-Up Loop, which is located in front of the Building. 

Parent Role Parents will enter, pull in the lane closest to the curb. Please remain in the parent drop-off loop, while students safely exit their cars and step onto the curb. To exit, parents will continue with the flow of traffic out of the loop.

Student Role-Student car riders will walk safely on the sidewalk into the building entrance doors. They get their Grab and Go Breakfast and proceed to their classrooms. 

Staff Role for Car Riders-Staff will be outside to supervise the drop-off lane. Pre-school, special needs, or additional staff will pick-up car riding students outside or just inside the building and take them to the classroom for breakfast. 

Walker Procedures

Student walkers are to use sidewalks and look both ways crossing the street when coming to school. Student walkers should use the front side walk to enter the school grounds and line up outside the front doors. The school staff will open the front doors at 6:55 A.M. Upon entering the building, students will get their Grab and Go Breakfast and proceed to their classrooms. 

Bus Rider Procedures

A staff member will supervise the bus students in the back loop of the school building. Bus Drivers have been instructed not to dismiss students from the bus until our bus staff are out to supervise.

Student Role-Student bus riders will exit safely from the bus and walk up the sidewalk to their specific entrance. They will get their Grab and Go Breakfast and proceed to their classrooms. 

Staff Role for Bus Riders-Staff will be outside to supervise the bus lane. Pre-school and special needs staff will pick-up their bus-riding students outside and take them to the classroom for breakfast. 

AFTERNOON DISMISSAL PROCEDURES The safe and orderly dismissal of the children is a priority at our school. At dismissal, teachers will release students based on the information they receive from the office.  All students will immediately walk to their home, car, or bus, when dismissed

Our instructional day continues until 2:10 P.M. each day. Therefore, we discourage early dismissals prior to the official end of the school day. In the event that your child has an occasional appointment that requires them to leave school prior to 2:10 PM, the parents will need to call and notify the school 15 minutes prior to pick up. Upon arrival, come to the front doors to sign-out your student.  ID will be required prior to the student being released. 

Parents are asked to assist with dismissal procedures by making certain that their child and their child’s teacher are clear about dismissal plans before they enter school each morning. Last minute changes in plans are often confusing to students and messages may not reach the classroom. 

There is not a walk-up parent pickup line at the front of the school.  If you do not want to be in the car line for pickup, please indicate to your child’s teacher that you want them to be released with car riders from the gym doors at 1:55 P.M. and you must be there when they are released.

Pre-schoolers will be released to their parents or guardians at the classroom doors, after walkers are released. Preschool parents need to park in the parking lot, walk to the classroom doors, and form a line until the pre-school staff are ready to release students.  Pre-schoolers will be directly released to the parent or guardian in the order of the line.  If your preschooler has siblings, those siblings will be sent to the gym and can be picked up there as well.

Car Rider Procedures-Use the Drop-Off/Pick-Up Loop, which is located in front of the Building. 

Parent RoleParents in their cars will line up along the front school circle loop and wait in their cars for their students to be released. Once your child is loaded, we ask that you safely exit the driveway by following the traffic flow at a speed limit of 10 mph. Walking pick up parents must wait for their child to exit out of the gym door. 

Student Role-Student car riders leave their assigned holding area when they are called. They will walk to exit the building and go to their car when it pulls up to the curb and are released by staff. Students are safely released by staff one at a time.

Staff Role for Car Riders-Staff will be outside to supervise the pick-up line. Special needs staff will bring the car riding students outside for parent pick-up.  

Walker Procedures

Walkers will be released by staff out the front doors at 1:50 P.M.  Once students are released, they are to begin immediately walking to their home or the location that you, as their parent or guardian, have directed them to do so.

Bus Rider Procedures

A staff member will supervise the bus students in the back loop of the school building. Bus Drivers have been instructed not to depart until all students are loaded.

Student Role-Student bus riders will exit safety from the school when released. They will use the sidewalk to exit the building to their bus. 

Staff Role for Bus Riders-Staff will be outside to supervise the bus lane. Special needs staff will be bringing their bus-riding students outside when their bus is called.

The procedures have been designed to ensure the safety of all students at our school. Your patience, courtesy, and willingness to work with the school will assist us in a well-organized and safe dismissal. 

Please review these arrival and dismissal procedures with your child. 


STUDENT SAFETY   Parents should not block crosswalks or drop off/ pick up areas, when coming or leaving the school.  Please observe the Horace Mann Staff’s direction, so all children may arrive at school and back home safely.  The safety of our students on their way to and from school is extremely important


  • Parents are to supervise students at their bus stops.  If a problem develops, please call the Transportation Department at 542–4010.  
  • Students should be at the bus stop at least ten minutes prior to their pick-up time.
  1. If your kindergarten student rides the bus, someone must meet the bus.  Bus drivers are not permitted to drop kindergarten students off at a bus stop, unless there is an adult to meet them.
  2. Students must follow the Safety Rules and Student Responsibilities from the Ohio State Dept. of Education:
  • Load and unload from the bus at designated stops in an orderly manner.
  • Ride only the regularly assigned bus and unload at the regular stop.
  • Eating and littering are not permitted on the bus.
  • There must be absolute quiet at railroad crossing and other places of danger as designated by the driver.
  • Noise on the bus should be kept to a minimum.  The same behavior is expected on a school bus as in the classroom.
  • Students may talk quietly if the driver permits.
  • Students must sit only in their assigned seats and remain seated at all times.
  • Students should not change seats while their bus is in motion.
  • Any student traveling to school by means of public transportation is expected to remain courteous and well mannered.
  • Students must not hang any objects or any part of their body (hands, arms, head, etc.) outside the windows.
  • Students are not to throw any object(s) either inside or outside the bus.
  • Any students who misbehave shall be denied the privilege of riding the bus by the proper authority.
  • The students must cross the street at least ten feet in front of the bus and upon signal from the driver.
  • Students are not permitted to transport animals or pets on the bus.
  • Students should go promptly to the bus when dismissed from school.
  • When discharged from the bus, they should go directly to their homes.


Please go over these safety rules with your child.  Violations may result in suspension of bus privileges.  


ATTENDANCE-Daily attendance is required of all students. We want all students to be successful at school and research informs us that the most successful students are those with good attendance.

When a student is absent from school, the parent or guardian should call the school at (937) 542- 4890 and state the reason for absence. 

Upon returning to school, the student should present to their teacher a note from home and/or the doctor explaining the reason for the absence. The note should include date(s) of absence, students’ full name, homeroom number, and the reason for absence with the parent/guardian’s signature. An excused absence is one due to illness, court appearance or appointment, or a death in the family.  All other absences are unexcused.  

We ask parents to call the school office at 542-4890 between 7:00 and 8:00 AM when a student is absent for any reason.

EARLY DISMISSAL–No early dismissal requests after 1:00 PM

We encourage every student to participate in a full day of activity.  But, on rare occasions, if it is necessary to leave school early, parents or authorized persons must call 15 minutes prior to pick up and come into the front doors to sign the child out.  A photo id may be requested to verify identification. Students will be released only to persons listed on the Authorization for Pickup Form. 

Students may not leave the campus without being signed out and picked up by authorized persons.  Classroom teachers will be notified by office staff to release students for dismissal.  Under no circumstance is anyone allowed to go directly to a classroom to remove a child from school.

CHANGE IN DISMISSAL PROCEDURE/ TRANSPORTATION BY PARENTIf there are changes to your child’s afternoon dismissal transportation (via walk, bus, or car) the office must be notified prior to 12:00 PM, so that arrangements can be made. No verbal messages from students are ever accepted.    

TARDY POLICY-All students are expected to be at school on time.  Parents, please get your children to school on time.  After 7:20 AM, the student must report to the office to receive an admit slip before entering the classroom.  If a student is coming in from an appointment and submits a note, that tardy will be considered excused.  All other tardies will be considered unexcused.  Excessive tardies may result in a referral to truancy.

HABITUALLY TRUANT STUDENTSAttendance Officers and designees will file truancy charges with the Montgomery County Juvenile Court (M.C.J.C.) on students who are habitually truant.  These are the students who have:

  1. Five (5) consecutive, unexcused absences.  Students will be referred to Student Services and they will refer the student to M.C.J.C.
  2. Seven unexcused absences in one month.  Any days absent in the month that are not excused absences, students will be referred to the Student Service Department.
  3. Twelve unexcused absences in one school year.  We will forward student absent referrals to the Student Services Department.

POSITIVE SCHOOL CLIMATE (PSC)- Our School uses the Positive School Climate (PSC) program.  It is a system of discipline that is positive rather than punitive, enabling children to learn the self-regulation of behavior and to make positive choices.  

PSC encourages students to act in accordance with the school behavioral expectations (The ABCs) of:

  • Act Respectful
  • Be Responsible
  • Come Ready to Learn

Our Expectations are:

Arrival/ Dismissal

H – Hands to side

A – All Eyes forward

L – Lips zipped

L – Low speed

S – Stay in line



H – Hands to side

A – All Eyes forward

L – Lips zipped

L – Low speed

S – Stay in line



R – Remember to wash your hands

E – Everyone clean up

S – Stay quiet

T – The toilets need flushed



C – Come in silently

A – Always eat your food

F – Find a seat and eat quietly

E – Everyone clean up



P – Patiently waits

L – Line up immediately

A – Aways use the equipment properly

Y – Youmust keep hands to self


Voice Levels to Use at School:     

4-Outside Voice (Recess)

3-Presentation Voice

2-Conversation Voice

1-Whisper Voice

0-Silent Voice


Building Wide Attention Signal Countdown

Mustangs 1- I am preparing to listen

Mustangs 2- I am quiet

Mustangs 3- I am silent


ASSEMBLIES-Student assemblies are planned periodically during the year.  The conduct of our student body at an assembly is an important indication of the cultural level of the school.  Whether or not guests are present, each student is personally responsible for conducting himself/herself in a courteous and respectful manner.  Unacceptable conduct includes whistling, inappropriate clapping, booing, rowdiness and talking during a program.


DISCIPLINE AND THE STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT-Dayton Public School issues a conduct code to curb the actions of those few students who would interfere with the education or safety of the responsible majority.  The primary goal of the code at the elementary school level is to improve or change behavior.  All students will receive a copy of the Student Code of Conduct. Dayton Public Schools and our staff believe that strong parental support is a prerequisite for effective discipline in the school.  Parental support must be strengthened through involving parents more actively with the school and improving communication between home and school.   


A primary task of each Dayton school is to create a stimulating, safe learning environment for all students.  Within such a setting, students learn to exercise rights and assume responsibilities as a citizen of their school community.  Students must also learn to recognize and accept the consequences of their actions.  Each student has the right to an education without disruption and a responsibility not to deny this right to other students. 


This Code of Conduct serves to aid students in making responsible decisions about their own behavior and to inform students and parents of the sanctions, which will be applied when these rules are disregarded. It applies to student conduct while on school property, on school buses, on field trips and at school sponsored activities.


Classroom teachers have a responsibility within the school and should be equipped with sufficient classroom management skills to prevent and/or handle routine disruption. Our School will be using PSC school-wide and teachers will use CHAMPS to support their classroom environment


Teachers are expected to:

  • Maintain open lines of communication with parents.
  • Create an orderly classroom
  • Model self-discipline.
  • Demonstrate respect for all students regardless of behavior or achievement.


DETENTION POLICYStudents can be kept after school with a one-day parental notification. Parents are responsible for transportation home.  Students may also be assigned lunch detention and/or may be kept indoors during recess.


Below is Dress Code Rather Than Uniform- Switch Out to What Applies

DRESS CODE- Our students are not required to be in uniform while attending school. The school may regulate dress and grooming in the interest of health, safety and effective instruction. 


Forms of dress and accessories which are considered distracting, offensive, or disruptive to the learning atmosphere will not be permitted.                                                     


If dress is deemed inappropriate, parents will be called, so appropriate attire can be brought to the school. 


School administrators and/or a designee will handle chronic offenders which may include disciplinary action.  


The following information should guide appropriate wear:

  • Slacks and shorts are to be worn at the waist. No sagging or oversized pants!!
  • Shorts/skirts/dresses should be an appropriate length for elementary students. Shorts may be worn after Spring break through the month of October.
  • Shirts should cover the torso (stomach), even when arms are raised.
  • Coats and jackets are not to be worn during the school day.
  • No nightwear or pajamas are to be worn in school. Unless it is a school spirit day!
  • No cut up or holey clothing.
  • No clothing with inappropriate writing, logos, or pictures. 
  • Absolutely NO HOODS are to be worn inside the building


Shoes: Flat heeled shoes and tennis shoes are preferred footwear.  Some footwear can be very hazardous, so shoes with higher than normal heels are not permitted. Absolutely No Flip Flops, Slides, or Slippers- These are unsafe walking at School or running at Recess.


Jewelry:  The wearing of expensive jewelry is strongly discouraged. These items are easily lost, stolen, or broken and the school is not responsible for their loss. Piercings other than earrings (clear retainers or tape can be used) any jewelry that could cause injury (eg., spiked collars or cuffs) is prohibited.


Hair:  Hair must be clean and neatly combed.  Headgear (such as hats, head scarves, combs, etc.) are not to be worn at school or on school buses, unless for religious purposes.


Physical Education Dress Code (Gym): Students are expected to dress appropriately for Physical Education based on their grade level expectations. 


Footwear: Gym shoes with shoe laces or Velcro Straps are required for Physical Education class. 


RECESS:  Students should be properly clothed for daily outside play.  Children are sent outside for recess when the temperature is above 32 degrees and the playground conditions permit safe play.



SCHOOL MEAL PROGRAM-The purpose of the federal school meal program is to provide your child with nutritious well-balanced meals each day at no cost to you – free! Both breakfast and lunch will be served without charge for all students. 


Our school offers meals that have been planned to meet at least one third of a child’s nutritional needs. A monthly menu is given to each student


HOMEWORK- Our School follows the homework guidelines of Board policy (IKB-R). Homework shall be assigned across all curriculum areas. The school policy includes guidance on the amount of time at each grade level homework should be allocated and discourages the assignment of “busy work”.  The assignment of homework shall not be used for disciplinary purposes.  


As best practices, schools recommend that homework assignments not exceed 10 minutes per grade level.  Additionally, each homework assignment should be based on reviewed material and never introduce new learning.  


Student HW Responsibilities Include:

  1. be aware of and understanding the school’s homework policy;
  2. writing down assignments;
  3. completing all homework assignments in the time allotted;
  4. ensuring homework meets high standards;
  5. organizing their time appropriately and
  6. asking questions when an assignment is not clear.


Parent HW Responsibilities Include:

  1. establishing a quiet, well-lit study area;
  2. setting a regular time each day for students to complete homework;
  3. taking an active interest in homework;
  4. provide support when necessary but do not teach content;
  5. monitoring the completion of homework;
  6. signing completed homework assignments and
  7. communicating with teachers about the nature of homework. (Approval date: January 17, 2017)


MAKE – UP WORK- Students will be allowed to make-up tests and other work missed during excused absences. Missed homework may be made up on a schedule determined by the teacher.  Failure to complete assignments will affect the student’s grade. 


ASSESSMENTS (TESTING)- The State of Ohio is striving to improve the quality of instruction in a school. During the school year, students will be assessed using the state testing mandates. 


Multiple assessments can provide a basis for curriculum development, measure pupil progress, and indicate the quality of educational services provided by the district.  

In preparation for this however, our students will be given a number of assessments throughout the school year. The results of these tests will assist us in planning instruction that meets the needs of our students.



Student progress report cards are issued at the end of each quarter, which is 4 times during the school year.  Interim reports are sent home during mid-grading periods to alert parents of student progress prior to the end of each grading period. A computer-generated report card will be mailed to parents of all students. 


The academic progress symbols to be used for 1st-6th grade Elementary students per School Board Policy (IKA-R) are:

Grading scale for 1st – 6th graders            

A 100% – 90%

B 89% – 80%

C 79% – 70%

D 69% – 60%

F 59% and below


Preschool and kindergarten classes do not use the grading scale, but parents will receive reports on their child’s progress.  


Parents also have access to their child’s work progress and grades through the DPS website.  


Recognition for academic honors each quarter are based on the following criteria:

Superintendent Scholars and Principal’s List are those students receiving straight A’s.

High Honors is for a B+ average grade average. Honor Roll is for a B average.


PARENT CONFERENCES- Conferences are held each school year with teachers and parents for the purpose of discussing the progress of each child in the school.  Check the school calendar for the dates of the conferences.  


A conference can be initiated at the request of the parents.  Arrangements for those conferences must be worked out between the teachers and the parents involved.  If a joint conference with all the teachers seems desirable, the parents should notify the teachers with their reasons.  


PROMOTION/RETENTIONS– Promotion means that a student has met grade level requirements.  This means the student has successfully completed the work on his/her particular level and is ready to move into the next higher level.  


Successful completion of a subject means the student has achieved in each subject.  This pertains to students in grades one through six, where numerical averages are given in the content subject areas.  Students with a year’s average of 59% or less do not have an acceptable grasp of the material and promotion will not be recommended.  


In the lower grades, if there is danger that the child is not ready to move to the next level, the teacher will be in contact with the parents throughout the school year.  When this situation arises, the principal will also be informed. 


CLASSROOM MEETINGS WITH TEACHERSStaff members have requested that parents not request a meeting during arrival. Teachers are needed to assist and supervise morning activities. 

If a parent needs to speak with a teacher, it is important that the parent leave a note with the office, and the message will be delivered to the teacher. Teachers may also be reached in their classrooms by phone and leaving a message. Our teachers’ first priority must be to their students.

All classroom meetings with a teacher should be pre-scheduled. Parents, who have scheduled a meeting, must sign in at the main office and will be directed to their meeting location. This will prevent unnecessary interruptions during instructional time and ensure greater safety for all children and employees.


Teachers are available to meet with parents before or after school, and during planning time through a scheduled appointment.  Teachers are unavailable during arrival, dismissal, and instructional time to meet with parents 


VISITORS/VOLUNTEERS–  Our School strongly encourages parent involvement and participation in the school and our programs. Our guidelines are designed to assist us in providing a safe and orderly school environment.


All volunteers must complete the Volunteer Application at Then wait to be vetted and approved before starting their volunteer opportunity. All volunteers, who come to the school building during school hours, must come to the main office for guidance. 


During the school day, all scheduled visitors must enter the school using the main entrance at the front of the building and come directly to the office.

PARENT PARTICIPATION/RESOURCES- Parents are encouraged to participate as a member of the parent teacher organization, which seeks to improve the quality of education and provide family/student activities at the school. 


The Parent Lending Library is available to all families.  Parents and guardians are able to check out educational resources to use at home with your child from the Media Center.


FIELD TRIPS- Field trips will be evaluated as to their educational benefit by the principal and staff involved.  Field trips should flow directly from a classroom area of study.  


No student will be permitted to participate in a field trip unless a parent/guardian completes a permission slip.


COMPUTER USAGE– In Dayton Public Schools, students use computers throughout the day to support learning


Children’s On-Line Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

The Children’s On-Line Privacy Act requires that web sites and services directed to children 13 years of age and younger disclose their information collection, use and storage practices.  

COPPA also indicates that the parent or guardian has the right to review, modify, or delete any personally identifiable information that a web site holds about your child.  


In order to honor our commitment to providing the best education possible, DPS will provide access to high quality interactive learning sites.  



The Dayton Public School District (herein “the District”) provides technology and instruction to aid students in learning and education. This policy establishes safeguards for using portable devices in conjunction with District related work or operations.

Appropriate security for all portable devices owned by the District are required to protect sensitive, confidential, or protected data.

Portable Devices are defined as any of the following

  • Laptops, tablets, mobile phones, Chromebooks or other devices identified by the District.

All faculty, staff, students, and other designated users (contractors) are required to comply with this policy to ensure that all sensitive, confidential, or protected data stored on or transmitted through the use of a District mobile device or personal mobile device is secure (i.e., protected).

Individual users are responsible for:

  • Using a non-trivial password and/or biometric authentication as supported by the mobile device and required by District policy;
  • Using the secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection client provided by the District when not connected to the District network;
  • Using the mobile device in a lawful and responsible manner, that avoids placing the employee or the organization in a position of liability for civil or criminal penalties (e.g., not taking unauthorized photographs or recordings, not reading email while driving or joining a Zoom call while driving);
  • Configuring the mobile device according to the District configuration standards;
  • Reporting the loss or theft of a mobile device immediately to District administration; and
  • Returning the mobile device for correct disposal / recycling.

District will identify and implement appropriate technologies and processes for the security of District managed resources and the data that the District has the responsibility to protect. These technologies and safeguards apply, but are not limited to mobile devices, including laptop computers, smartphones, and tablets.

Mobile Device Configuration
A mobile device used with District information will be configured by District IT or employees to be compliant with the mobile device policy.

District faculty, staff, and students who wish to use a mobile device to access and/or store sensitive data or Personally Identifiable Information (PII) must comply with the mobile device security standards, as updated from time to time, including:

  • Apply operating system updates in a timely manner, either initiated by the end-user or applied automatically through configuration settings.
  • Install an anti-virus/anti-malware security suite as per existing policy.
  • For laptop computers: install and configure an approved full disk encryption solution in accordance with the current District disk encryption standard (i.e., AES-128) and recommended software (e.g., BitLocker, SecureDoc, FileVault).
  • For smartphones and tablets: set full mobile device encryption as available for the mobile device model.
  • Enable timeout or switch to a locked screensaver after less than 15 minutes, with a password required to unlock the device, as outlined in, and in compliance with, the District’s workstation policy.


Violation of the policies described herein for use of removable media are dealt with seriously. The violators may be and are subject to the disciplinary procedures of the District, up to and including termination. In addition, violators may lose computing privileges. [Adoption date: June 21, 2022]

ELECTRONIC DEVICES- Dayton Public Schools is a one-to-one district and provides an electronic device for students to use during instructional time.  The use of other electronic devices is prohibited because of the disruption it causes to the learning environment. Please refer to Elementary Cell Policy below.


CELL PHONE POLICY FOR DPS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS- Electronic devices that are deemed interruptions to instruction are NOT permitted.  Electronic equipment of any kind including hand held games, cell phones, MP3 Players, iPods, IPADs, tablets, cameras etc. will be collected and returned to parents.  


Students will turn in cell phones daily upon arriving to school.


Cell Phones will be turned in to the building designee or teacher.


Anything of value that can be lost, stolen, broken, or argued over should not be brought to school.


Parents/Guardians must sign consent for electronic devices to be present at school.

We are not held responsible or liable for any lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones or electronic devices.


Social Media Policy

The Dayton Public School District (herein “the District”) provides technology and instruction to students. Social media enables the District and students to share information in a timely, relevant manner across numerous platforms.

Social media is to be used within the district as a tool for effective two-way communication between the District and students and parents. Any site representing the District as a whole will be created and maintained by the Public Information Office or other Superintendent designee; no other entity shall purport to officially represent the District in this capacity. The Public Information Office must be an administrator and/or have access to any school or department social media accounts. All designated school or department social media coordinators must be trained by the Public Information Office prior to overseeing their school or department pages.

The purpose of this policy is to outline the acceptable and unacceptable or inappropriate use of social media in the District by faculty and staff.

This policy relates to all social media used by the District employees, faculty and staff. This policy covers all social media and media platforms, social networks, blogs, photo sharing, wikis, online forums and video sharing.

Social media shall be used:

  1. to promote the District in a positive manner;
    2. to share District news and information in a timely and relevant fashion;
    3. to encourage two-way communication between the District and the public; and
    4. in ways that are not in violation of policies regarding student safety

Social Media Interactions
To maintain a more formal staff-student relationship, district employees shall not “friend” or “follow” current students on social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, TikTok, etc. (except when that employee is a relative or legal guardian of the student). District employees will not “instant message” or text message current students, and will not respond to student-initiated attempts at conversation through non-District-approved media.

When posting online, please remember that you are an employee of the District and representative of your colleagues, students, parents and the school community. Your online behavior should reflect the same standards of honesty, respect and consideration that you use face-to-face.

Blogs, wikis, social media, podcasts, and any other public platforms are an extension of your classroom and considered official content. What is inappropriate in the classroom should be deemed inappropriate online.

You are responsible for all you do, say and post online including videos. Anything posted online should represent you in a professional manner as others will see you as connected to the District.

Do not post photos or videos of fellow employees without their permission. Do not use photos or videos taken at school without permission.

Other district guidelines and policies regarding disclosure of student record information must be adhered to when using a personal account, including posting of student photographs, names of students and personally identifiable information.

When posting online DO NOT post confidential student information.

Cyberbullying is not to be tolerated. Any incidence of cyberbullying should be reported to the school Principal immediately. All cyberbullying incidents are to be taken seriously

Privacy and privacy settings
Assume that nothing posted online, in any capacity, is private. When putting something online, use the “Front Page Test” – would this post/picture/information be embarrassing, slanderous or threatening if it ended up on the front page of tomorrow’s newspaper?

It is recommended that students and staff keep privacy settings to “Only Friends,” or to personally approve friends and followers when using social media.District employees are not permitted to post pictures of students with personally identifying information. Students are not to be “tagged” in photos without explicit permission from the student’s parent/guardian.

Social Media Usage
Staff and students should use only approved social media sites while utilizing the District’s network. Approved sites are authorized by their educational content and have been vetted through the district’s Software/Hardware Review Process. Staff who seek to use these and other restricted sites as part of the educational process should contact the Office of Information and Educational Technology for assistance. Staff should NOT use personal social media accounts during the workday.

Social Media Content
Do not create content (posts, message responses, tweets, photo manipulations, etc.) that portray the district or an individual in an obscene, defamatory or libelous way. Be transparent and honest in your online interactions.

Do not post anonymously. If you are identified as a District employee, be sure to mention your views and opinions are your own and do not represent the district as a whole. Remember, the public may still view anything you post as being connected to the district.

A user who violates this agreement shall, at a minimum, have his or her access to the network and Internet terminated and is subject to further disciplinary action by the school and/or district administrator, and/or local or federal law enforcement. The violators may be and are subject to the disciplinary procedures of the District, up to and including termination.

Revision History Legal References   H.R. 4577 Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000 (Title XVII) -47 U.S.C.254 Communications Act of 1934 as amended, section H, sub-part B20 U.S.C. 6801 Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 as amended.  [Adoption date: June 21, 2022]

LOCKERS-Lockers are the property of the Dayton School district.  Upper grade students may be assigned a locker in which to keep books, school supplies, coats and gym clothes.  They may not deface lockers in any way, which includes decorating them with markers or stickers.  


School officials have the right to inspect lockers.  The school will not accept responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged possessions in lockers.


BAG CHECKS & UNAUTHORIZED ITEMS –Students are not to bring sprays, fragrances, gum, pop, pets, toys, or any other items that are not part of the educational requirements or incentive activity of a class. Students in the upper grades will have bags checked upon arrival. Additional bag checks may be conducted as needed.        


VALUABLESValuables such as jewelry, electronics, expensive clothing, etc., should not be brought to school. We also discourage students from bringing money to school except for special programs where it is needed.  The school is not responsible for any of these items.


PHONE CALLSChildren will not be called to the telephone.  All messages should be called into the office or classroom, and the teacher or office staff will see that the child gets the message.  

Children are not permitted to use the telephone in the office, or classroom without permission from school authority, and then it will be given only in the case of necessity.  


Forgetting such things as homework, permission slips, or supplies does not constitute necessity unless otherwise determined by the child’s teacher.   


A voice mail system has been programmed for each teacher and you are able to leave messages.


Communication with FamiliesFamily contact information is essential for maintaining a good line of communication between the school and home.  The District’s communication system is called ParentSquare.  This system sends out information via phone call, text, and email based on the most current contact information that we have.  


ParentSquare does have an App to download and select when and how information comes to you. In addition to the call, text and email feature, Horace Mann Elementary uses the app system to send out important information during the school year, so please join. 

The ParentSquare information is below:


1) Update your information-Ensure your phone number, email address, and home address are up-to-date in your school’s student information system. Inform your teacher, principal or call your school’s main office if there is a change or if you are not receiving communication from your school or the district.

2) Register your ParentSquare account-You may sign up through the email invitation you may have received through ParentSquare or you may sign in to using your contact information (email or phone number) that is on file for your student at their school.

3) Update your settings-Getting too many calls? Don’t want texts? Once you are registered, you can change your notification settings to fit your needs. You may also change your language settings to fit your needs.

4) Make sure emails are getting through-Check your spam folder for emails from and add the domain to the safe senders list in your email client (Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc.).

5) Opt-in to text-Text the word START to 66458. This will resume text messaging to your phone if you have opted out. Your cell phone number must match the one in your school’s student information system.


CUSTODY CHANGES- It is the responsibility of the custodial parent or legal guardian to notify the school of a child’s change of custody.  Copies of legal papers attesting to the change must be presented at the school.  The natural parent always has access to the student record unless those rights were lost through adoption, court order, or the child reaching the age of majority.  


CHANGE OF ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBER- If any time during the school year there is a change in your telephone number, please notify the school immediately to provide information or schedule an appointment to make a change. For address changes, you will need to bring proof of residence with you. This documentation must have your name on it and be dated within the last 60 days. 



(Non-DPS)-To ensure speedy transmission of necessary records, a transfer form must be completed before a student leaves his/her present school.  A parent’s signature is required to secure or release needed records.  


Per the Ohio Department of Education, students cannot be officially withdrawn until their receiving school sends for transcripts.  If the receiving school has not made contact after 10 days, students will be referred to truancy for non-attendance.


(DPS Building Transfer Requests)-In-District Transfer are done through the Student Enrollment Department at the Downtown Office at certain times during the year. For more information, call 542-5555.

STUDENT HEALTH & SAFETY RECORDSThe school nurse keeps a health folder on each child.  This folder contains all necessary immunization records as required by the State of Ohio Department of Health.  It also contains results of screening, (i.e. visual, hearing, speech) or any other information pertinent to the health and physical well being of the child.  


IMMUNIZATIONS-Each student has immunization requirements. The Ohio Revised Code has detailed immunization requirements for all school children.  The type, number of doses, spacing and age criteria for immunizations is covered under this code.   All students must follow these requirements. Any student who is out of compliance with immunization requirements shall not be permitted to attend school until they are met. 


BECOMING ILL AT SCHOOL-If a student becomes ill at school, we will contact parents, so arrangements can be made to pick up the child.  If we are unable to reach parents, we will follow the directions specified on the student’s Emergency Form.  Parent(s) or persons appointed by the parent must report to the office and sign the student out.


MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION-Under Ohio law, medication may not be administered without having on file a completed request/ release form signed by the physician and parent/guardian.  All medication must be secured in the school nurse’s office. 


Students which are required to carry inhalers must have appropriate documentation on file with the school nurse.  No over-the counter medications will be administered at all to any student.  If your child requires any other type of medication, the child should either remain home or the parent/guardian may come to the school to administer it.  


CHRONIC ILLNESS or OTHER CONDITION- MANAGEMENT-The child must have a Health Care Plan on file for emergency medical needs.  The parents/guardians must supply any necessary medications or treatments to the staff. If an injury or illness restricts your child’s participation in physical education or other school activities for an extended period of time, a physician’s excuse stating the reason should be sent to the principal’s office.


CHILD ABUSE/NEGLECT REPORTING- Our School adheres to all guidelines for identifying and reporting of suspected child abuse and/or neglect as specified by the State of Ohio Board of Education in its resolution relative to Child Abuse and Neglect.  In addition, we adhere to all Ohio Revised Codes as they relate to child abuse and reporting.


INJURY AT SCHOOL-Minor injuries (little scrapes, bumps, etc.) are treated with Band – Aids or ice packs, etc.  When injuries are more serious, we will follow the same procedure as outlined under Illness at School.  When serious injuries demand immediate attention, the school office will call 911 and notify the parent/ guardian.


LICE (PEDICULOSIS)-Lice are small insects about the size of a sesame seed.  They move quickly, shy away from light and are usually light brown. Nits are their eggs. They are tiny, grayish white and oval, and usually attach themselves to the hair shaft.  Lice are spread through head to head contact or on clothes, combs, brushes, upholstered furniture, pillows, or rugs.  


Head lice do not carry any disease, nor does it mean that your child is not clean. However, to prevent further spread in the school, school administrators, a designee and/or the nurse will perform screening examinations when needed.


If a student is found to have lice or nits, parents will be called. All parents will be given school recommendations for treatment.  Once a student has been treated, the school designee will examine the student’s hair.


FORGOTTEN ITEMS-If a student forgets to bring items such as lunch boxes, schoolbags, books, permission slips, or gym clothes to school, parents may drop them off at the school office.          


LOST AND FOUND-A lost and found area will be identified in the building.  Students will be asked to check that area periodically for missing articles.  All unclaimed lost and found articles will be donated to a charity at the end of the school year


BAD WEATHER-Listen to your local radio or television stations for any important announcements regarding school schedule changes.  We discourage calls to the school to ask about schedule changes.  If school is dismissed early, due to an emergency, DPS will notify local television and radio stations. Information will also be posted on our website at


It is very important that you work out a plan of action ahead of time with your child. Your plan should include where they should go and what they are to do in case of an emergency should school be dismissed early.

SCHOOL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES- Ohio school law requires every school to conduct fire, tornado, and other emergency drills throughout the school year. Our primary concern is to keep all students safe.  Teachers will review emergency procedures for taking shelter and evacuating the building. 

When any alarm or emergency notification occurs, all students should be quiet and listen for instructions.


SMOKING POLICY- Smoking by students or adults is PROHIBITED on school property. This follows Federal, State, and Local Laws. 


MEDIA CENTER (Library)The School Media Center (Library) is a valuable resource for furthering the education of students at all levels.  


Our Media Center is supervised by a Media Center Paraprofessional and is open during school hours. Each child is responsible for the books they checkout from the Media Center and is expected to return them on time and in good condition.  Parents are urged to encourage their children to use this resource and to return all library books on time.


BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION POLICYSmall birthday celebration treats will be honored. Your child’s teacher must be contacted at least 48 hours (2 school days) prior to bringing in treats or other items to school. Due to student allergies, please check with the classroom teacher about ingredient issues. Please do not bring in anything with any type of nut. 

Celebrations can only take place during that student’s lunch period or at a specified time arranged with your child’s teacher.



  1. Determine a time and place to study.  Choose a quiet, well-lit room.
  2. Read every day. Learn to read at a steady pace.  Think of the meaning rather than the words.
  3. Write down homework assignments, including the date it is due.
  4. Do your assignments each day. Remember to review your work before turning it in. 
  5. Keep yourself in good health.  Get enough sleep.
  6. Do your best work in order to develop confidence in your own ability.   
  7. Learn from others and also help others learn.
  8. Ask your teacher about work you have missed when you are absent.  Complete make-up work quickly


DPS Language Assistance Information:

“Dayton Public Schools has free language assistance available for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) parents with respect to school programs and activities. To be eligible for assistance, a parent does not have to be of limited English proficiency in speaking, reading, writing and comprehending English in order to be considered LEP, but, rather, that it is only necessary that a parent be limited in at least one (1) of these areas in order to be eligible to receive language assistance as needed. Dayton Public Schools will accept a parent’s assertion that he or she needs language assistance without requiring additional corroboration.”


“Dayton Public Schools inatoa usaidizi wa lugha bila malipo kwa wazazi walio na Ujuzi Mdogo wa Kiingereza (LEP) kuhusiana na mipango na shughuli za shule. Ili kustahiki usaidizi, mzazi hahitaji kuwa na ustadi kidodo wa Kiingerea katika kipengee cha kuzungumza, kusoma, kuandika na kufahamu Kiingereza ili kuzingatiwa katika LEP, lakini badala yake, ni kwamba ni muhimu tu mzazi kuwa na ustadi kidogo kwa angalau moja (1) ya sehemu hizi ili kustahiki kupokea usaidizi wa lugha inavyohitajika. Dayton Public Schools itakubali dai la mzazi kwambaa anahitaji usaidizi wa lugha bila kuhitajika maelezo ya uthibitisho.”


“Dayton Public Schools itanga ubufasha mu by’ururimi ku buntu ku babyeyi bazi Icyongreza gike (LEP) mu bijyanye na porogaramu n’ibikorwa by’ishuri  Kugira ngo wemererwe ubwo bufasha, umubyeyi ntagomba kuba afite ikibazo mu kuvuga Icyongereza, kugisoma, kucyandika no kucyumva kugira ngo afatwe nk’utazi Icyongereza neza, ahubwo ni igihe uwo mubyeyi afite ubumenyi buke nibura muri kimwe (1) muri ibi bintu kugira ngo abe yemerewe guhabwa ubufasha mu rurimi uko biri ngombwa. Dayton Public Schools izakira ubuhamya bw’umuyeyi bwemeza ko akeneye ubufasha mu rurimi atiriwe asabwa ikindi kibihamya.”


«Государственные школы Дейтона предоставляют бесплатную языковую помощь родителям с ограниченным владением английским языком (LEP) в части школьных программ и мероприятий. Для получения права на такую помощь родитель не обязательно должен в ограниченном объеме владеть такими аспектами английского языка, как говорение, чтение, письмо и понимание английской речи; для того чтобы войти

в категорию родителей с ограниченными владением английским языком (LEP), достаточно в ограниченном объеме владеть хотя бы одним (1) из этих аспектов языка, что позволит при необходимости получать языковую помощь. Государственные школы Дейтона примут заявление родителя о том, что он/она нуждается в языковой помощи, не требуя дополнительного подтверждения».


“Dayton Public Schools (Escuelas Públicas de Dayton) tiene ayuda gratis en diferentes idiomas para los padres con dominio limitado del inglés para programas y actividades de la escuela. Para ser elegibles para recibir ayuda, no es necesario que el padre o la madre tenga dominio limitado del inglés para hablar, leer, escribir y comprender inglés, sino que solo se necesita que el padre o la madre tenga dominio limitado en al menos un (1) área de las mencionadas para recibir ayuda en otro idioma, según sea necesario. Dayton Public Schools aceptará la afirmación de un padre o una madre de que necesita ayuda en un idioma diferente, sin exigir ningún comprobante adicional”.


« Les écoles publiques de Dayton ont un programme d’apprentissage de la langue gratuit pour

Les parents qui ont une aptitude limitée en anglais en accord avec les programmes et activités scolaires. Pour y être éligible, un parent ne doit pas avoir une aptitude limitée en anglais en termes de langage, de lecture, d’écriture et de compréhension pour être considéré comme ayant une aptitude limitée en anglais, mais plutôt, qu’il soit limité dans au moins un (1) de ces aspects pour être éligible de recevoir un apprentissage de la langue selon ses besoins. Les écoles publiques de Dayton devront accepter la déclaration de demande d’apprentissage de la langue d’un parent sans une vérification supplémentaire. »


“تمتلك مدارس دايتون العامة مساعدة لغوية مجانية متاحة لأولياء الأمور ذوي الكفاءة المحدودة في اللغة الإنجليزية (LEP) فيما يتعلق بالبرامج والأنشطة المدرسية.  لكي يكون أحد الوالدين مؤهلًا للحصول على المساعدة، ليس ضروريًا أن يكون من ذوي الكفاءة المحدودة في اللغة الإنجليزية من حيث التحدث والقراءة والكتابة وفهم اللغة الإنجليزية حتى يتم اعتباره من ذوي الكفاءة المحدودة في اللغة الإنجليزية، ولكن بدلًا من ذلك، يلزم أن يكون أحد الوالدين ذا قدرة محدودة في مجال واحد (1) من هذه المجالات على الأقل حتى يكون 

مؤهلاً لتلقي المساعدة اللغوية حسب الحاجة. ستقبل مدارس دايتون العامة تأكيد أحد الوالدين أنه بحاجة إلى مساعدة لغوية دون الحإلى 

إثباتٍ إضافي.”جة 


«ናይ ዳይተን ህዝባውያን ኣብያተ ትምህርቲ ንውሱን ምልከት እንግሊዝ ዘለዎም ናጻ ናይ ቋንቋ ደገፍ ኣለዎ እዚ ድማ ብዛዕባ ናይ ቤት ትምህርቲ መደባትን ንጥፈታትን ውሱን ምልከት እንግሊዝ (LEP) ንዘለዎም እዩ። ነዚ ብቑዕ ንሙኻን ደገፍ ንምርካብ፣ ሓደ ወላዲ ውሱን ምልከት እንግሊዝ ክህልዎ የብሉን፣ እዚ ድማ ናይ ምዝራብ፣ ምንባብ፣ ምጽሓፍ ከምኡውን ምርዳእ እንግሊዝን እዩ፣ እዚ ከኣ ኣብ (LEP) ንክኣትው እዩ፣ ኮይኑግን፣ ሓደ ወላዲ ብውሑድ ኣብ ሓንቲ (1) ካብዘን ዓውድታት ሕጽረት ክህልዎ ጥራይ እዩ ዘድሊ፣ እዚ ከኣ ምእንቲ ከም ኣድላይነቱ ናይ ቋንቋ ደገፍ ንምርካብ ብቑዕ ንሙዃን እዩ። ናይ ዳይተን ህዝባውያን ኣብያተ ትምህርቲ ከኣ ናይ ቋንቋ ደገፍ ከም ዘድልዮ/ ናይ ወላዲ መረጋገጺ ክቕበል እዩ፣ እዚ ድማ ተወሳኺ ሓበሬታ ምስክር ብዘይ ምጥላብ እዩ።»«ናይ ዳይተን ህዝባውያን ኣብያተ ትምህርቲ ንውሱን ምልከት እንግሊዝ ዘለዎም ናጻ ናይ ቋንቋ ደገፍ ኣለዎ እዚ ድማ ብዛዕባ ናይ ቤት ትምህርቲ መደባትን ንጥፈታትን ውሱን ምልከት እንግሊዝ (LEP) ንዘለዎም እዩ። ነዚ ብቑዕ ንሙኻን ደገፍ ንምርካብ፣ ሓደ ወላዲ ውሱን ምልከት እንግሊዝ ክህልዎ የብሉን፣ እዚ ድማ ናይ ምዝራብ፣ ምንባብ፣ ምጽሓፍ ከምኡውን ምርዳእ እንግሊዝን እዩ፣ እዚ ከኣ ኣብ (LEP) ንክኣትው እዩ፣ ኮይኑግን፣ ሓደ ወላዲ ብውሑድ ኣብ ሓንቲ (1) ካብዘን ዓውድታት ሕጽረት ክህልዎ ጥራይ እዩ ዘድሊ፣ እዚ ከኣ ምእንቲ ከም ኣድላይነቱ ናይ ቋንቋ ደገፍ ንምርካብ ብቑዕ ንሙዃን እዩ። ናይ ዳይተን ህዝባውያን ኣብያተ ትምህርቲ ከኣ ናይ ቋንቋ ደገፍ ከም ዘድልዮ/ ናይ ወላዲ መረጋገጺ ክቕበል እዩ፣ እዚ ድማ ተወሳኺ ሓበሬታ ምስክር ብዘይ ምጥላብ እዩ።»


“Dayton Public Schools (Dayton Devlet Okulları) Sınırlı İngilizce Yeterliğine (LEP) sahip ebeveynler için okul programları ve faaliyetleriyle ilgili ücretsiz dil desteği sunmaktadır. Destek alabilmek için, ebeveynin LEP olarak kabul edilmesi için İngilizce konuşma, okuma, yazma ve anlama açısından sınırlı İngilizce yeterliğine sahip olması gerekli değildir ancak gerektiğinde dil desteği almaya hak kazanmak için yalnızca bu alanlardan en az birinde (1) sınırlı bir yeterliliği olan ebeveyn olunması gereklidir. Dayton Public Schools ebeveynin dil desteğine ihtiyaç duyduğuna dair beyanını ek doğrulamaya ihtiyaç duymadan kabul edecekti


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